To-Do Editor with different modes, advanced movement & powerful commands

About Todool

To-Do Editor with different modes, advanced movement & powerful commands


  • Normal text editing experience
  • Task-States for progression -> parents will autocomplete: all children Done -> parent will be Done
  • Switch between render modes List and Kanban
  • VIM support
    • NORMAL: move around tasks quickly and do modifiying commands
    • INSERT: insert text only

Movement Commands: SHIFT to extend selection

  • move up
  • move down
  • bookmark jump
  • indent jump through indentation 0
  • indent jump same indentation
  • indent jump on scope
  • indent jump to nearby task with different state
  • select all

Modifying Commands:

  • Automatically sort tasks based on their state (None-Done-Canceled)
  • Shift Task Indentation Left/Right
  • Shift Task Position Up/Down
  • Cut, Copy & Paste based on Tasks | Text
  • Task to lower/uppercase based on word starts
  • Task State based
    • Change Task-State (Normal -> Done -> Canceled)
    • Toggle Bookmark
    • Toggle Folding
    • Toggle Tag (1-8)

Task Tags:

  • each task stores tags in a bitfield
  • tags store text & color


  • Import from source code
    • Drag&Drop files
    • imports text line after TODO or NOTE
  • Changelog Generator
    • generate text of all changes (Done | Canceled) tasks
    • options expand/shrink output
    • output to clipboard/command line/file
    • pop tasks out of tree
  • Theme Editor
  • Keymap Editor


  • Made in Odin with SDL2 + OpenGL + stb-truetype + more


  • Windows
  • Linux

Custom Save Format:

  • String + Optional Tags to restructure entire tree on load
  • Easy to make a custom reader - once a format description is published

Discussion can be held on the blogs or on my Discord

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Recent Activity

more work on the &todool multiplayer - switched to a CRDT like state based solution
the host only forwards messages to other clients and distributes client IDs

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giving &todool "multiplayer" an attempt again - 3 clients all sharing undo/redo state across the server

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reworked theme editor with a focus on randomization with roots & variation 🎨 &todool

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minor additions: basic spell checking, better link support, task separator, single task highlight &todool

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Added simple zooming & Task Drag animation, added options to customize some visuals &todool

View original message on Discord did a devlog on my IMGUI -> RMGUI transition, hoping to do these weekly πŸ™‚ &todool

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Task children sorting options and per parent sort locking πŸ”₯ &todool

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task dragging πŸ”₯ drag outside the window or to the trash area to remove the task &todool

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multi select tasks with the mouse while holding shift πŸŽ‰ &todool also using vulkan now instead of GL

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tasks can have dates set + agenda mode to get an overview of each day &todool

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optimized global utf8 textbox, cut, copy & paste, topbar to select focus tree &todool

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mouse caret selection & a progress bar in kanban mode πŸŽ‰ &todool

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auto centering x / y based on render mode & more work on text boxes &todool

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2 instances of &todool sharing subtrees with each other over http πŸ”₯ commit a tree -> other user can sync back to the recent tree or push his own optionally you can submit a read only tree

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color setting bar - modifies a line / selection by default when Apply is on or via command, can be used on other elements like tag colors 🎨 &todool

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reworked &todool recently to text lines + additional data πŸŽ‰ making my life simpler to implement more meaningful features

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testing out more automation - leave your thoughts &todool

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reimplemented a cool feature i had a while ago &todool πŸŽ‰

  • right mouse dragging task upwards / downards pops the task and its children out - place it in the trashbin or near another line
  • right mouse dragging task left <-> right shifts their indentation
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first day working fulltime on &todool πŸŽ‰

added a pomodoro tree today with a couple of looping options

  • work, short_break, long_break as editable timer nodes
  • looping can be ignored or turned on
  • repeat_count is the limit until the long_break starts
  • timer durations can be added to a line ~ still gotta flesh this out
  • break times can be included if you want them to count in as work time
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transitioned &todool to fully use RectCut imgui πŸ”₯ its really nice, thanks goes out to rxi for suggesting it πŸ˜„

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working on time related features -> Stopwatch & Timer ⏲️ &todool

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made a prompt to spawn different sub node types instead of having to remember multiple commands πŸ”₯ &todool

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task color outlining 🎨 when you want to highlight certain regions visually, often found in kanban &todool

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proper mouse selection, horizontal auto scrolling and a relayouting bug in the end :BestPractice: &todool

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